Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP).

Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP), which can also be referred to as Sensory Processing Sensitivities, make up approximately 20% of the population. High Sensitivity is considered a trait, not a diagnosis or syndrome & can be described as experiencing an increase in emotional responses, becoming overstimulated easier than most & needing increased amounts of downtime.

Other characteristics for HSP may include; being more aware of the thoughts and emotions of others, being easily over-aroused, causing difficulties in highly stimulated environments. Experiencing more significant positive and negative affects. School-aged HSP children can be identified as gifted, are slower to warm up in social settings, and have increased sensitive nervous systems. Learn more about the characteristics of HSP &/or take a self-exam here: HSP

As an HSP myself, and a mother to HSP children, I deeply understand the importance of accepting differences, creating space for these differences and being highly attuned. As a professional, I have studied best practices for HSP, and have also completed specialized training in order to be adaptable at fostering a calm and secure therapeutic environment.

Please feel free to connect with me if you have any questions about HSP or would like to schedule a free 15 minute virtual consultation for yourself or regarding your child.